Monthly Archives: March 2017

Writing a Discord bot, and techniques for writing effective small programs

My old college friends and I used a Google Hangout to keep in touch. Topics were a mix of “dear lazychat” software engineering questions, political discussion, and references to old jokes. Occasionally, out of disdain for Hangouts, we discussed switching chat programs. A few friends wanted to use “Discord,” and the rest of us ignored them. It was a good system.

But then one day, Google announced they were “sunsetting” (read: murdering) the old Hangouts application, in favor of two replacement applications. But Google’s messaging was odd. These Hangouts applications were targeted to Enterprises? And why two? We didn’t take a lot of time to figure this out, but the writing on the wall was clear: at some point, we would need to move our Hangout.

After the news dropped, my Discord-advocating friends set up a new server and invited us. We jumped ship within the hour.

It turns out that they were right, and we should have switched months ago. Discord is fun. It’s basically Slack for consumers. I mean, there are differences. I can’t add a partyparrot emoji, and that’s almost a dealbreaker[0]. But if you squint, it’s basically Slack, but marketed to gamers.

As we settled in to our new digs, I found I missed some social aspects of Etsy’s Slack culture. Etsy has bots that add functionality to Slack. One of my favorites is irccat. It’s designed to “cat” external information into your IRC channel Slack channel. It’s “everything but the kitchen sink” design; you can fetch server status, weather, stock feeds, a readout of the foodtrucks that are sitting in a nearby vacant lot. A whole bunch of things.

But one of my favorite features is simple text responses. For instance, it has been taught to bearshrug:

Me: ?bearshrug
irccat: ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ

Or remember URLs, which Slack can unfurl into a preview:

Me: hey team!
Me: ?morning

Lots of little routines build up around it. When a push train is going out to prod, the driver will sometimes ?choochoo. When I leave for the day, I ?micdrop or ?later. It makes Etsy a little more fun.

A week or two ago, I awoke from a nap with the thought, “I want irccat for Discord. I wonder if they have an API.” Yes, Discord has an API. Plus, there is a decent Golang library, Discordgo, which I ended up using.

And away I go!

Side project organization

So, yeah, that age old question, “How much effort should I put into my side project?”

The answer is always, “It’s your side project! You decide!”. And that’s unhelpful. Most of my side projects are throwaway programs, and I write them to throw away. The Discord bot is different; if my friends liked it, I might be tweaking it for years. Or if they hated it, I might throw away the work. So I decided to “grow it.” Write everything on a need-to-have basis.

I get good results when I grow programs, so I’m documenting my ideas around this, and how it sets me up for future success without spending a lot of time on it.

I want to be 100% clear that there’s nothing new here. Agile may call this “simple design.” Or maybe I’m practicing “Worse is Better” or YAGNI. I’ve read stuff written by language designers, Lisp programmers, and rocket scientists about growing their solutions. So here’s my continuation, after standing on all these shoulders.

Growing a newborn program

Most of my side projects programs don’t live for more than a day or two. Hell, some never leave a spreadsheet. Since I spend most of my time writing small programs, it makes sense to have rules in place for doing this effectively.

Writing code in blocks makes it easy to structure your programs

By this, I mean that my code looks roughly like this:

// A leading comment, that describes what a block should do.something, err := anotherObject.getSomething()
if err != nil {
// Handle error, or maybe return.
log.Printf("Acquired something: %d",

Start the block with a comment, and write the code for the comment. The comment is optional; feel free to omit it. There aren’t hard-and-fast rules here; many things are just obvious. But I often regret it when I skip them, as measured by the number that I add when refactoring.

Blocks are useful, because the comments give a nice pseudocode skeleton of what the program does. Then, decide whether each block is correct based on the comment. It’s an easy way to fractally reason about your program: Does the high level make sense? Do the details make sense?  Yay, the program works!

For instance, if you took the hello-world version of my chatbot, and turned them into crappy skeletal pseudocode, it would look like this:

ConnectToDiscord() or die
PingDiscord() or die
AddAHandler(handler) or die
WaitForever() or wait for a signal to kill me
ReadMessage() or log and return
IsMessage("?Help") or return

There’s a lot of hand-waving in this pseudocode. But you could implement a chatbot in any language that supported callbacks and had a callback-based Discord library, using this structure.

Divide your code into phases

In my first job out of school, I worked at a computer vision research lab. This was surprisingly similar to school. We had short-term prototype contracts, so code was often thrown away forever. It wasn’t until I got a job at Google later that I started working on codebases that I had to maintain for multiple years in a row.

At the research lab, I learned what “researchy code” was – complicated, multithreaded computer code emulating papers that are dense enough to prevent a layperson from implementing them, but omit enough that a practicing expert can’t implement them either. No modularization. No separation of concerns. Threads updating mutable state everywhere. Not a good place to be.

So, my boss had the insight that we should divide these things at the API level, and have uniform ways to access this information. Not groundbreaking stuff, but this cleverly managed a few problems. Basically, the underlying code could be as “researchy” as the researcher wanted. However, they were bound by the API. So once you modularized it, you could actually build stable programs with unstable components. And once you have a bunch of DLLs with well-defined inputs and outputs, you can string them together into data-processing pipelines very easily. One single policy turned our spaghetti code nightmare into the pasta aisle at the supermarket; the spaghetti’s all there, but it’s packaged up nicely.

I took this lesson forward. When writing small programs, I like to code the steps of the program into the skeleton of the application. For instance, my “real” handler looked like this, after stripping out all the crap:

command, err := parseCommand(...)
if err != nil {
switch command.Type {
case Type_Help:
case Type_Learn:
case Type_Custom:
case Type_List:

Dividing my work into a “parse” and  “send” phase limits the damage; I can’t write send() functions that touch implementation details of parse(), so I’m setting myself up for a future where I can refactor these into interfaces that make sense, and make testing easier.

Avoid optimizations

Fresh out of college, I over-optimized every program I wrote, and blindly followed trends that I read recently. I’d optimize for performance, or overuse design patterns, or abuse SOLID principles, or throw every feature in C++ at a problem. I’m guilty of all of these. Lock me up. Without much industry experience, I just didn’t understand how to tactically use languages, libraries, and design techniques.

So I’ve started making a big list of optimizations that I don’t pursue for throwaway personal programs.

  • Don’t make it a “good” program. It’s fine if it takes 9 minutes to run. It’s fine if it’s a 70 line bash script. Writing it in Chrome’s Javascript debugger is fine. Hell, you’d be shocked how much velocity you can have in Google Sheets.
  • Writing tests vs tracking test cases. Once you’ve written enough tests in your life, you can crank out tests for new projects. But if your project is literally throwaway, there’s a break-even point for hand-testing vs automated testing. Track your manual test cases in something like a Google Doc, and if you’re passing that break even point, you’ll have a list of test cases ready.
  • Make it straightforward, not elegant. My code is never elegant on the first try. I’m fine with that. Writing elegant code requires extra refactoring and extra time. And each new feature could require extra changes to resimplify.
  • Don’t overthink. Just write obvious code. You don’t need to look something up if you can guess it. For instance, variable names: my variable name for redis.Client is redisClient. I’m never going to forget that, and it’s never going to collide with anything. Good abbreviations require project-wide consistency, and for a 1000 line project, it’s hard to get away with a lot of abbreviated names.
  • Don’t make it pretty. For instance, my line length constraints are “not too much.” So if I look at something and say, “that’s a lot!” I keep it. But I refactor if I say, “That’s too much!”


Once I tested the code, and got the bot running, I invited it into our new Discord channel. Everyone reacted differently: some still don’t understand the bot, and others immediately started customizing it. Naturally, my coder friends tried to break it. One tried having it infinitely give itself commands; another fed it malformed commands to see if it would break. Two of my friends have filed bugs against me, and one is planning on adding a feature. My friends have actually adopted it as a member of the channel. I love the feeling of having my software used, even just by a few people.

There have also been some unexpected usages. Somebody tried to link to snowfall images that are updated on the remote server. Unfortunately, Discord’s unfurler caches them, so this approach didn’t work like we wanted it to. Bummer. My program almost came full circle; my call-and-response bot would have been used to cat information into the channel, just like its predecessor, irccat.

So yeah, my chatbot is alive, and now comes the task of turning it from a small weekend project into More Serious code. Which has already started! Click here to follow me on Twitter to get these updates.


Github project:

Version of code in the post:

[0] For people who do not know me well: I am serious. I cannot be more serious.